It may feel cold outside today, but temperatures are set to drop even further across the UK this week.

With the aid of one of Insurer Partners, Ageas, we thought it would be a good time to reach out to our customers (particularly the elderly and vulnerable), and make sure you are aware of how to keep you, your property, homes and vehicles safe in wintery conditions.

One of the main causes of damage from the cold weather is frozen pipes. With a few simple steps, you could help to prevent unnecessary damage to your property: –

  • Insulate exposed pipes and water tank
  • Activate the anti-frost setting on the boiler or smart thermostat (if they have one)
  • Keep the heating on a low constant

Further advice for customers on identifying frozen pipes, preventing them and what to do if a pipe freezes or bursts, can be found in the Ageas FREEZE HUB – see here. This also has a wealth of information that is easy to understand.

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